Go to app.readysetretail.com and sign in with your username and password
Click “Utilities” in the navigation menu and click “Auto Fulfillment.” This page will list all current Auto Fulfillment Plans that have been made.
Click “Add Auto Fulfillment Plan” to create a new fulfillment plan.
Give a name and a Batch Prefix to the transfers using the corresponding spaces.
Select a connection using the drop-down menu. This menu will be populated with the locations in your Heartland Retail account.
Select the source location using the drop-down. All transfers created with this plan will use that source location. This can be a distribution center, a warehouse, or another store location.
Check “Use reorder points” to use the built-in Heartland Retail reorder points.
Use the Location Filters, Vendor Filters, and Item Filters to narrow down the transfer plan. All the Heartland default fields and any custom fields that have been created will appear in the filters’ options. Each filter line can only accept one value. Learn more about filters in “Using Auto Fulfillment Filters”
If you would like to have the Auto Fulfillment Plan run weekly, select the “Autorun” box, then select the day of the week and the time to run. The time is set with a 24-hour clock in eastern time. Due to errors with Heartland Retail, setting the time for 7:00 AM (Eastern Time) will not allow the utility to work.
You can run the plan on demand at any time by clicking the “Queue for Processing” button at the bottom of the plan page after saving.
If you would like to disable any Fulfillment Plan you can unselect the “Is Active” checkbox at the bottom of the plan page.
Once the Plan is completed, you can go back to your Heartland Retail account. From the Inventory menu, select Transfers. You can search using the Batch ID or use the Transfer numbers from the Batch Pick Page, more information on the Batch Pick Page can be found in “Using the Batch Pick page.” The shipment updates with any changes made on the Batch Pick page. If you have no other adjustments to make, you can click Complete Shipment, print a packing slip, and the transfer is ready to send.