Using Auto Fulfillment Filters

Using the filters in the RSR Auto Fulfillment Utility

Written by Cameron Frisby
Updated over a week ago

While setting up an Auto Fulfillment Plan, you can add Location Filters, Vendor Filters, and Item Filters to narrow down the Transfer plan. All Heartland Retail default fields and any custom fields you have made will appear in the filter’s options. Each filter line can only accept one value. To filter on multiple values, you will need to add single or group conditions and use the Any/All dropdown to get the results you want.

Location Filters: This can be used to only select the locations you want the utility to run for. For example, we can set conditions for locations with the name Boston, San Francisco, and Chicago. This will make the plan run only for the locations in Boston, San Francisco, and Chicago. Using the “Any” condition is recommended for this filter for the best results.

Vendor Filters: This is used to filter vendor fields. Adding the name of a vendor will allow you to only make transfers for items with the provided vendors.

Item Filters: These are used to filter on any item values. This could be used to filter on Default Cost, Current Price, Group, Style Name, etc. This will make plans for only items that meet these conditions.

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