To view the Batch Pick page for an Auto Fulfillment Plan:
Go to and sign in with your username and password
Click “Utilities” on the top and go to “Auto Fulfillment.” This page will list all current Auto Fulfillment Plans that have been made.
Click on “Pick Last Batch.” This will open a new tab with the most recent batch information from the plan.
On this page, you can see each of the transfers made with the plan with their Bin Number at the top of each transfer. If you added a Batch Prefix this will appear at the beginning of the Bin Number. Below each of the Bin Numbers, you will see an item number and the transfer information of that item. This includes the transfer number, where the item is coming from, where it’s going, how many of that item the location has on hand, and how many are required through Reorder Points. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see boxes with a plus and minus sign on each side of it labeled with “Picked.” These boxes can be used to increase or decrease the amount of that item being sent in the transfer. Once that value is changed you can click the “update” button to save the changes and update the transfer. The update button only updates the item it is next to. You cannot update the whole page at once. When you use the update button on one item, any other values you’ve added to the “Picked” section and haven’t updated will be cleared. You have complete control over how many items are picked for the transfer. Whatever you put in the “Picked” section will overwrite the number of items that will be transferred. The changes you make on this page will automatically update the transfer page in Heartland Retail.