Go to app.readysetretail.com and sign in with your username and password.
Click on “Upload” at the top of the page and select “Inventory Adjustments.”
Provide at least one email address. These are the email addresses that will receive a confirmation email when the Excel file has been processed.
Select an Import type. The two available settings are Count and Adjustment. Count overrides existing inventory counts, and Adjustment adjusts existing inventory counts.
Upload an Excel file with the following fields: Location, Item #, Qty, and Reason
Check “Prevent Negative On Hand?” if you want to prevent adjustments of inventory levels in a given location and item from falling below 0.
Shortly after pressing “Submit,” the provided email addresses will receive a confirmation email with an Adjustment Set ID.
The inventory count of the items provided in the Excel file will be updated to the new quantity.
How to set up the RSR Inventory Adjustment Utility
Written by Cameron Frisby
Updated over 2 years ago