Go to app.readysetretail.com and sign in with your username and password.
Click on “Upload” in the navigation menu and select “Scheduled Price Updates.” This page will show all of the current Price Update Plans that were previously made.
To make a new plan, click “Add Scheduled Price Update.”
Give a name to update. The name is just for your reference and to help you organize the Scheduled Price Updates.
This utility will generate a batch # and place it into a custom field on the item updated by it. Using the "Price Update Field Key" dropdown menu, you can choose what custom field the utility will place that batch # into.
Upload an Excel file with the following fields:
Item Number
Original Price
Current Price
Using the “Time to process (Eastern Time)” field to set a date and time for this utility to process the file and update the prices. We occasionally run into issues with Heartland Retail processing things on the hour, so we recommend to offset it by a few minutes. For example, if you want it to update at 5:00am, you'll have better success if you instead do 5:02am, or 4:58am.